Huwebes, Oktubre 20, 2011

Zumi's Mema 5

If times comes, that your are sad while I am happy. I will as God to take away my happiness and give it to you. Coz I’m willing to be lonely just to make you happy.
Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you. BEWARE AND BA CAREFUL...Rowing.

Its your funny when your in love, no matte how beautiful the girls around you, you still end up looking at the only perfect face your heart sees.

Huwebes, Oktubre 6, 2011


If time comes that your sad while I am happy, I will ask God to take  away my happiness and give it to you coz I am willing to be lonely just to make your happy.

      I just get this pictures from the net :) I dont know them yet I find them cute :) Hope to see them in the future.


Sacrifice comes when nothing else matter but your love to someone becomes complicated. You have to make a right choice.
Every sacrifice has a fruitful reward; every failure has a second chance. We only have to be strong by Gods grace to persevere in the test of life.

Quotes of mine..

I was not born to insist myself to someone who doesn’t want me anymore. Being in my situation is not intended, I give love yes I do... But when I see that person is starting get rid of me? I won’t waste time. I won’t wait for him to neglect my presence…Love don’t easily fades, but mark my words... I can contradict my own feelings...just to make sure I won’t look STUPID…

I trust yet I was betrayed. I learned to love yet I get cheated.

how could I trust man? Is their still a man whom I could trust? Love?

If yes,....Is he exist? if  yes, when I could find him? please let me know.